Consumer Protection - VERA ABOGADOS ASOCIADOS S.A., Registro de Marcas en Colombia, Registro de marcas, Propiedad Industrial, Derecho Corporativo, Inversión Extranjera, Abogados de Marcas, Abogados Registro de Marcas - Colombia,Ecuador

Consumer Protection

Consumer rights come within the framework of a group of norms which seek to regulate any consumer relations which may arise in the commercial chain of goods and services between producers, suppliers and traders.

Our advisory services include the following topics:

  • Study of advising on the granting of guarantees.
  • Analysis of advertising material in order to bring it in line with consumer protection norms.
  • Defence of advising on consumer rights for any damage, deceitful advertising, abusive contractual clauses, financial services and protection on personal data “Habeas Data”.
  • Consultation on price-fixing.
  • Attention to procedures before the competent national authority.
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