AI And Intellectual Property ¿“Frenemies”?
Wednesday September 11th, 2024 -
(Español) By Natalia Vera Matiz: As you may know, in January of 2021 was announced that Google and the French publishers achieved a new agreement…
Sunday July 7th, 2024 -
VERA ABOGADOS selected by LEADERS LEAGUE as one of the best IP law firms in 2023
The French LEADERS LEAGUE, which prepares an annual ranking, revealed in its reports the best qualified law firms to advise their clients on Intellectual Property in 2023 according to five categories that organized them into leaders, excellence, recommended and highly recommended. According to the ranking, VERA ABOGADOS was qualified in the following categories: Highly recommended
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 -
What does intellectual property have to do with food security?
(Español) Por Natalia Vera Matiz: Hace un par de años, cuando el presidente Biden iniciaba su mandato en Estados Unidos, los autores de un blog escribía con mucha vehemencia sobre la necesidad…
Monday April 24th, 2023 -
Cannabis: A Promising Future
(Español) Article by Natalia Vera Matiz: At first, and for many years, experts, artists, authors, and owners have been afraid because their works could be infringed through the Internet…
Tuesday December 27th, 2022 -
The risk on the internet is for copyright owners or for users?
(Español) Article by Natalia Vera Matiz: At first, and for many years, experts, artists, authors, and owners have been afraid because their works could be infringed through the Internet…
Thursday November 17th, 2022 -
Vera Abogados will be present at INTA Annual Meeting 2022
Thursday April 28th, 2022 -
An interview: inspirations, experiences, and ideas for equality by Natalia Vera for Trademark Lawyer Magazine
(Español) By Natalia Vera Matiz: As you may know, in January of 2021 was announced that Google and the French publishers achieved a new agreement…
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 -
The new agreement between Google and French publishers, good or bad news? / Published in the global IP directory 2021 by Natalia Vera
(Español) By Natalia Vera Matiz: As you may know, in January of 2021 was announced that Google and the French publishers achieved a new agreement…
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 -
¿Is Facebook indeed excuting an antitrust conduct?
(Español) By Natalia Vera Matiz: A few weeks ago, we all wake up with the notice of the legal suit against Facebook from 12 states and the federal government of United States…
Thursday January 28th, 2021